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emily wright, yoga teacher, marlow
Yoga privage lessons, marlow
I enjoy providing a space where you can simply 'be' in your body, exploring how it feels to connect to your body, mind & breath
Encouraging kindness and acceptance for yourself, however you are in this moment
qualified yoga teacher

When I first went to yoga classes, that time to myself each week not only helped ease my postnatal back pain, it also helped me cope as a young mum with the mental demands of toddlerhood. Some years later I was encouraged to try yoga again and experienced how the physical and meditative elements improved my relationship with my body and the 'chatter monkeys' of my mind.


With a desire to learn more, I spent three years on a thorough 500+ hour teacher training with Maarten Vermaase, gaining the British Wheel of Yoga Teaching Diploma.  After that it felt natural to share these teachings with others and I have enjoyed teaching since 2012.


Further inspiration came from my Well-Woman Yoga training with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli where I felt a real sense of homecoming from learning to honour and follow the natural inner rhythms of my life; helping me to ‘go with the flow’ more easily. I also discovered the profound benefit of giving myself permission to rest through the deep relaxation of Yoga Nidra and regularly offer this practice in my classes, especially in my Yoga for Women workshops.


In my continued exploration of yoga, I have studied the Art of One-to-one Teaching with Kate Ellis and 'Bones for Life' with Marye Wyvill. These practices have greatly influenced and enriched the way I help individual students on their yoga journey. I also continue to study meditation with Maarten.


I am forever thankful to my generous teachers and students; for the wisdom and connection of Yoga.

"This is one of my favourite poems and was an inspiration for me as I became a teacher"

The Teacher


I am a tree

Which stands by the path you tread

If you can learn something from me, stay a while

I cannot take you on my way

Because my roots are in my own piece of ground

And my branches reach up to my own personal sky

If you wish to lean against me for a time and warm in the sun which filters through my leaves

Then share my stillness and become one with me

But do not stay too long -

Or part of yourself will become lost within me

Do not take one of my branches to use as a prop

For even I am unaware which are strong and weak

In looking at me, reflect on what you didn't know

And make it your own truth

I will not impede the path you tread

And I hope I have helped to make your journey worthwhile


Barbara Griggs

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